Buy Nothing


Discover the unique work of the artist Arseneca, a transcendent experience where the essence of nothingness becomes tangible. In just two weeks, you have the opportunity to acquire nothing and receive nothing, but it goes far beyond apparent emptiness. Each creative act engenders a deep emotion, captured by the surface of a microchip. This chip is connected to an innovative NFT, called emochain, which writes the nothing in the blockchain in a physical way.

Owning an emochain is more than just an apparent absence. It’s possessing a fragment of eternity, a piece of the unspeakable, and the promise of an extraordinary experience. You connect to an artistic dimension that transcends conventions and allows you to dive into the very heart of absence. emochain gives you the opportunity to feel and experience nothingnesst authentically.

By embracing this work of art, you enter a a new perception of existence. You experience the power of absence, you connect to the depth of the unseen, and you allow your mind to free itself from all expectation and attachment. To own an emochain is to own a piece of eternity where nothingness becomes a doorway to potential infinity.

Dare to discover this unique experience where nothing becomes everything, where emptiness takes on meaning and where nothingness reveals an unsuspected beauty. Arseneca invites you to transcend the limits of reality and immerse yourself in the power of absence. Acquire your emochain now and open the doors to a new perception of existence, where the nothing becomes an infinite treasure to behold.