Crypto Intelligence


Explore the infinite horizons of intelligence thanks to visionary artist Arseneca, who offers you a unique experience: a daring one-ounce suppository treatment guaranteed . Each time you engage in this creative experience, you feel a deep emotion, releasing electromagnetic radiation picked up by a special electronic chip.

This electronic chip is thenconnected to a revolutionary NFT, baptized emochain by the artist himself. Thanks to this radio frequency connection, your intelligence is physically anchored in the blockchain. By owning an emochain, you own much more than just an artistic product:you own a fragment of eternity.

Your intelligence, stimulated by this unique experience, is actually produced and solidified in the blockchain. Each accumulated ounce of knowledge becomes an inseparable part of your being. By owning an emochain, you maintain a permanent connection with this intelligence, allowing you to explore, enrich and pass it down through generations .

Discover this revolutionary work of art, which pushes the limits of art and knowledge. Dive into the world of intelligence suppositories, where each treatment is an adventure towards higher understanding. Own an emochain and embrace the power of your truly produced intelligence, a spark of eternity at your fingertips.