Crypto Sleep


Let yourself be carried away in the captivating universe of the artist Arseneca, who sleeps in your place by plunging himself into a deep rest. Every moment of creativity evokes intense emotion, part of whichelectromagnetic radiation is captured by a microchip. This chip is linked to a unique NFT, called emochain, which embodies sleep engraved in the blockchain. By owning an emochain, you are not only holding a work of art, but a fragment of eternity, a physical testimony of authentically generated sleep. It’s an invitation to wrap yourself in this dreamlike experience and acquire an artistic piece that transcends the boundaries of time and perception. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of your own dreams, soak up this regenerative energy and join this exceptional artistic adventure. To own an emochain, is to own a piece of actually produced sleep, a door to a state of deep rest, and a window to eternity.

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