Crypto gloire


 Recevez de la gloire

Discover a world where art and technology merge to create new and fascinating experiences. Here, every digital interaction comes to life and transforms into an act of creation, revealing the endless possibilities that lie at the heart of our daily clicks.

Produce exceptional glory

In his ever-evolving artistic quest, Arsen Eca seizes the concept of glory with his work “Le Clic de Gloire”. In this unique creation, each click from a user triggers an artistic performance in the streets of Paris: Eca, like a street artist, sticks stickers for exactly 16 minutes. This carefully chosen duration extends Andy Warhol’s famous “quarter hour of fame” from 15 to 16 minutes, thus offering a modern and personal reinterpretation of ephemeral celebrity.

The act of sticking stickers, simple and accessible, is transformed under Eca’s hand into a symbol of glory in the contemporary era. This gesture, carried out in public space, evokes the ephemerality of fame and the democratization of artistic expression. By symbolically extending Warhol’s fifteen minutes of fame, Eca invites reflection on the durability of celebrity and the perception of artistic value over time.

In “Le Clic de Gloire”, the click is no longer a simple digital interaction. It becomes a catalyst for celebrity, a participation in an urban and ephemeral artistic expression. The user, by clicking, engages Eca in this artistic manifestation, becoming part of this reflection on glory and recognition.

With this work, Eca transforms the click, often perceived as a banal daily gesture, into an exploration of glory and notoriety. This project is an invitation to explore the potential of digital interactions to question and redefine our conceptions of fame and art, encouraging us to consider a broader and more critical meaning in our digital actions.

“Le Clic de Gloire” reminds us that behind every digital interaction, there is an opportunity to question and celebrate, transforming the virtual into a space for reflection on the ephemeral nature of glory and the lasting impact of artistic expression.

Normalization can sometimes limit diversity and creativity, preventing you from expressing your authenticity creating pressure to conform to standards that may not be healthy or appropriate for you.