The Poetic Load Index (PLI) is a dynamic measure that assesses the amount of poetry injected into our world through the actions of individuals.

1. The ICP measures the active presence of poetry

Each poetic interaction (anger, hope, recycling, etc.) is an action that transforms the world.
The ICP allows us to quantify these interactions and see whether poetry is alive or in decline.

Aucune charge poétique détectée ces dernières 24h.

2. ICP Takes Algorithmic Distortion into Account

In a world dominated by algorithms and absolute rationality, poetry is often censored.
Google and algorithms filter out what is deemed useful, excluding poetry because it has no direct “rational” value.

A low ICP may mean not an absence of poetry, but an algorithmic suppression.

Thanks to the Algorithmic Distortion Factor (ADF), ICP corrects this injustice and reveals the invisible censorship exercised against poetry.

3. The ICP is a Global Poetic Climate Barometer

A high ICP means a more poetic world, where people engage in actions that escape the control of algorithms.
A low ICP means increasing rationalization, a world where poetry disappears under the pressure of utility and optimization.

The ICP is an indicator of the resistance of the sensitive to the automation of the world.

4. A Living and Actionable Indicator

The ICP is not a simple static figure, it evolves according to:
Human poetic actions (poetic clicks, artistic gestures, etc.)
Algorithmic pressure (Google visibility, content deletion, etc.)

A low ICP is a call to action: it means that the poetic CHARGE must be intensified.